What is Happening to My Friend? – ebook update

what is happening to my friend by Sandra Walter

I updated the ebook What is Happening to My Friend? which is a brief introduction to the awakening phenomenon for friends, family and colleagues of the awakened.

As an Ascension Guide, I hear many stories of the frustration and heartbreak of the awakening phenomenon. Its affect on relationships can be difficult, especially with family or friends.

When two people see reality in completely different ways, it is hard to bridge the gap between them. It is even more awkward when those people used to share many things in common.

This is a very brief introduction to a complex subject. It is intended for friends and family members of the awakened and gives a quick, neutral, and painless overview of the awakening phenomenon. By sharing some basic information, we facilitate understanding of this unique and challenging phase.

It may come in handy as more and more people awaken this year. While my work is not focused on the newly awakened, I feel it is important to provide bridges whenever possible. I may create a video version of this as well.

Blessings upon our beloved Light Tribe during this powerful passage!

The ebook is free: https://sandrawalter.com/what-is-happening-to-my-friend/

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About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.

1 comments on “What is Happening to My Friend? – ebook update

  1. Pingback: Sandra Walter – What Is Happening To My Friend? – Ebook Update – 9 January 2014 | Lucas 2012 Infos

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