We are Building a Well!

Blessings Beloveds ~

I AM overjoyed to announce that we formed a partnership with the Thirst Project to build a well in eSwatini, Africa!Why a Well?I meditated on this, did my research, interviewed charity organizations … however the final decision was in my heart. There are so many causes, so many needs. Our unified collective energy creates and heals so much already. This Well project will honor Gaia, water, HUmans, animals, plants, and our intention to serve others.Intentions and benefits of this Well project:–  The symbolism of the Well: A nurturing, life-giving wellspring of compassion.–  Quality of life vastly improved by the presence of clean water–  Allows young children and mothers more freedom: they have to walk miles each day to fetch unclean water right now. As someone who lived outside and carried their own water, I know how water can take priority over everything else. A healthy well frees up time for education, family, and life.–  Clean flowing water is a joy; a well becomes a central point for community, health, and hope.–  Thirst Project wells are co-created with locals, overseen and managed by local elders. They have educational outreach to improve health conditions and provide water education.–  A properly installed well may serve for decades. It takes 6 – 8 months to complete, from funding to flowing well. We receive photos and can visit later.–  We create a Crystalline bridge to Ancient Land and a community dealing with more challenges than most of us could endure.–  We’ll call it the Ascension Well (the community will call it whatever they like), and it will flow with our collective energy.Thank you for taking a moment in this Now to bless this endeavor and the community it will serve.Gratitude to everyone who attended the Convergence in-person or via livestream. Proceeds fully funded this well project ($12K).Learn more about the Thirst Project, the people they serve, and their wonderful student programs at ThirstProject.orgLet us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,



About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.