Video: Heart Magnetics and Prep for Ascension

The Infinite Kryst Heart is the gateway of organic Ascension.

As we activate Kryst/Unity Consciousness, our Heart Center changes to accommodate the much higher vibration of our I AM Presence. The Infinite Kryst Heart becomes an access point for traversing realities, realms, states of consciousness, and expressing pure Source LoveLight Intelligence.

Kryst Heart intelligence is dynamic and alive. It does not stagnate, contract, distort or degrade light and energy.

When we hold the qualities of the Kryst Heart as our primary experience, we create the conditions for the I AM Presence to express through us. We access perfect synchronicity within zero point, where complete equilibrium rests in the state of infinite potential.

In order to attract more of the I AM Presence, we create the Kryst Heart magnetic. We activate the heart’s capability to attract and emanate more of the I AM Presence, transform our heart magnetics, and change both personal and collective realities.

Many of you are feeling the Heart’s desire to create with the I AM in this new way.

This video is an excerpt from the May 2024 Presence class on Heart Magnetics. It provides an overview of Heart magnetics, and how to experience the next level of our Ascension process.

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About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.