Themes of 2023: How to use the Energies and Trajectories

Blessings Beloveds ~

Solar activity is ushering in new frequencies, as well as the anticipated unusual symptoms of transfiguration.

2023 themes are multidimensional. It is important that we utilize our expanded consciousness and open hearts to perceive these events, revelations, and activations with our higher perspective. You’ll see the broader reach of these activities across the realms.

Departing from duality requires Divine perception: Nothing is ever one way, one thing, one event.

Unity Consciousness demands our higher skills this year. A new way of perceiving the whole, regardless of the external projection of density or separation. As always, we can be a stabilizing force without hindering the progress of global Ascension.

Take action on your highest choices and changes in the direction of your desired outcome – now.

2023 Themes from our PRESENCE event:

Inversion collapse: In brief; the energetic cause of reversals (forces that tried to prevent the Ascension) will be dismantled. These are ancient distortions, so anticipate everything from magnetics to Earth changes to systems to be affected by this release. Both internal and external.

Density of Information: It may feel more dense as the light levels jump, and distortions collapse. There will be a lot of information in the field revealing itself – both positive and negative. Choose your focus, and dismiss what does not serve your desired reality. Practice discernment, non-judgment, and Divine Neutrality.

Death: Many physical deaths and departures this year. Some as part of the revelation process.  Death of old Self, lower vibrational mental, egoic, and emotional structures, old beliefs and narratives (personal and collective.) Remember this affects all levels of consciousness, not just physical death.

Revelation: There is a lot of positive energy around revelation: The New Light penetrating where there was darkness. Narratives, beliefs, and distorted structures (collective and personal) will be challenged. Many narrative flips, revelations, and unexpected turns for the better.

Note: How you deal with personal or collective revelations indicates your Spiritual maturity – please show the way, and treat all with compassion and kindness.

Transfiguration: Genuine and palpable transformation of the infinite Kryst Heart, Crystalline DNA and Lightbody for the next phase of collective resurrection. Last year’s reunification with the I AM Presence activated a new trajectory for many. This is our next step.

Treat all of these themes with Higher Perspective: Do you see how these are all interconnected and Divinely synchronized to provide a new experience for all willing Hearts?

Stargates will be strongest on Equinoxes and Solstices this year; great unified activations with Gaia and the Cosmic realms. Plan to be on your Sacred power spots or gateways during those passages.

SUNday Unity Meditations: 7 years of Unity in the Field

We celebrate 7 years of SUNday Unity Meditations in 2023. Gratitude to everyone who participates; it is an honor to hold and amplify this Crystalline field of Unity each week with you.

Meditate for 30 minutes on peace, Divine LoveLight, and Ascension during our synchronized SUNday Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM PST.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Events, sessions and more at


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.