SUNday Unity Meditations: Hearts in Service

SUNday Unity Meditations

We have thousands participating in our eight-year practice of co-creating peace and unity as One. The field is strong; join us offline, in nature when possible, to feel our unified LoveLight Intelligence.⁠

We have two new groups adding their light during the 11AM meditations right now: ⁠

– Pam Gregory (Astrologer and Wayshower) invited her collective to visualize New Earth for 15 minutes at 11AM on SUNdays. They have been participating for a few months, and folks are feeling the energy and unity.⁠

– Jim Self & Steve Rother (Teachers and Wayshowers) have begun a group meditation at 11AM on the 2nd and 4th SUNday each month.⁠

Worldwide groups have aligned with our synchronized sessions over the years: ⁠

The 5AM PDT includes some very advanced meditators; a very refined monk-like stillness coalesces in the field. ⁠

The 8AM PDT session tends to be more cosmic and activating as the energy builds in the field. Many Stargate & Gridkeepers unify during this session to open the plasma and photonic flows. ⁠

The 11AM PDT session amplifies Gaia’s Kryst/Unity field for co-creation of peace and Ascension. Heart-opening unity can be felt. ⁠

Meditate with the worldwide collective for 30 minutes on SUNday at 5AM, 8AM, and 11AM Pacific Daylight Time⁠ (UTC-7).  Focus on collective peace, unity, compassion, Ascension, and the revelation of LoveLight Intelligence for all.⁠ Quiet the mind and BE the presence of these qualities.⁠

More details and time converter on the SUNday Unity Meditation page.

See you in the field ~ Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light, and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.