Solstice Presence Event: Saturday June 18

Blessings Beloveds ~

We are preparing for Solstice energies in this Now. Cleansing, clearing, recalibrating to receive new information.Equinoxes are Gaia-focused; balance, embodiment, and grounding the New.Solstice energies are Solar-focused; Cosmic alignments, influxes and new frequencies filled with the guidance of Higher Light Intelligence.Have you noticed the acceleration of our Cosmic experience in 2022? We are preparing for a JUMP in acceleration in July and August. The Solstice window presents an opportunity for this new level of unified Presence to lift us to a new trajectory.The Realm-Shifting experience will be much stronger for coherent hearts focused on a new BEingness. A new level of Ascension bringing flow, creativity and manifestation which requires an alignment with positive Cosmic forces.It feels like a lot, given the deep recalibration most of us are experiencing. I AM grateful to share guidance and intel on these trajectories and upcoming influxes in our sacred space of PRESENCE, next Saturday June 18th at 9AM PDT.Co-Creating with the new Christed Gaia is a priority. This is a Divine moment to receive gifts from the Cosmic flows.PRESENCE EVENT: SATURDAY JUNE 189AM -11AM PDT (UTC-7)Live online event with replaysWe unify in Presence to stay on path, activate pure Unity Consciousness, and manifest in the new creation energies.– Deep share on the Global 2022 trajectories– Experiencing Kryst-Realm Gaia and the True Self with Presence– Mastery practices for the new Acceleration– Solstice energies and intel on the upcoming shifts$33 Event with replays: ACCESS HERESolstice SUNrise Live Unity MeditationTuesday June 216AM – 6:30 AM PDT/Sedona TimeSedona, AZLocation in the NewsletterI AM sending everyone Divine Grace, Wisdom and Presence for this Now. See you in the field for the SUNday Unity Meditations.Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,



About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.