Shifting Magnetics and Dizzy Sensations

Blessings Beloveds ~

The ongoing core magnetic shift affects our hearts, realities, and Ascension process. Lately it has caused dizziness, vertigo, and nausea as our personal fields attempt to keep up with Gaia’s fluctuating magnetics. Being exposed to cosmic rays and magnetic recalibration has a dramatic affect on our brain, pineal, nervous system, and spine.

The whirling sensations are widespread; they come and go as the magnetic fields fluctuate. Grounding with bare feet on the earth, meditating with trees, staying hydrated, and getting in natural bodies of water may assist with balance. True rest (no screens) and meditation in stillness is necessary when the body is catching up.

Magnetics also affect the plate systems, and Gaia’s crust. The crust is not rigid or locked in place; it is a flexible outer layer, and expands with the energies amplifying at Gaia’s core. As mentioned in last weekend’s Presence event, earthquake activity is part of this expansion.

We have a strong energy shift beginning around August 18th. This collective shift, just like the one at the end of April, brings us cosmic support for acceleration, unity, revelation, geomagnetic events, veil-lifting, and heart-opening unfoldments. Higher possibilities for personal and collective expression are being revealed to many of us.

Prepare to be in heart-centered command of this shift: Refine your process. Purify your body, mind and emotions for higher light experiences. Meditate often. Shed any remnants of the denser versions of Self with joy and gratitude. Make stronger choices and take action in the direction of higher outcomes.

Revelations come quickly and often, as well as fearful/distorted interpretations. Notice when you are influenced by the external, take a breath, and focus on Source within the heart. Use the August Presence event replay to connect with the Kryst/Unity field and amplify higher trajectories – they will be bolstered by the energy shift.

PRESENCE Replay Available 
Video & Audio replays

I AM honored to receive so many wonderful messages about our August event.  The experience of Unity in the Kryst Field, and exploring higher trajectories, was profound. Learn to feel and read the Kryst field: Access the replay  HERE

SUNday Unity Meditations

Join thousands in our eight-year practice of co-creating peace and unity as One. The field is strong; participate offline, in nature when possible, to feel our unified LoveLight Intelligence.⁠

Meditate with the worldwide collective for 30 minutes on SUNday at 5AM, 8AM, and 11AM Pacific Daylight Time⁠ (UTC-7). Focus on collective peace, unity, compassion, Ascension, and the revelation of LoveLight Intelligence for all.⁠ Quiet the mind and BE the presence of these qualities.⁠

Sending everyone Infinite LoveLight for integration of this New Light. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Equinox gathering in Sedona, Private Sessions, and free weekly guidance in the LightLetter


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.