Quantum Conversation Replay and Guided Meditation

Blessings Beloveds,

Thank you for the emails about the power of the guided Solar meditation from yesterday’s show. I welcome everyone to get in the Ascension Path class this year, it’s going to be very strong as the updates come in. Lauren is offering a whole year for the price of a private session right now, bundled with the Wayshower retreat coming up in February.

Here is the link to the replay and $222 Ascension Path deal: (offer expired).

In Love, Light and Service, 

“Last night before bed I listened to the replay of your Healing Conversation with Lauren Galey. Well a couple of hours later I was awakened by an incredibly powerful energy download … although my pineal only operates faintly in mostly black and white, I do remember sacred geometric shapes and codes flashing by in a flurry, and the crown symbol flashed briefly too.”

“Last night’s meditation was so profound. I found my arms/hands moving before your direction to do so. I got a sense that we were being overlit by our teams. Shortly before the meditation was over, the tears came even though I had no thoughts that would have caused me to cry. Then you got choked up. I’m sure others did as well.”



About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.