Presence: Divine Neutrality

Blessings Beloveds ~

The Eclipse-Equinox gateway is open, with our first eclipse next week on September 17th. This passage brings us another jump in the acceleration of Ascension trajectories. A perfect moment to embrace an effective Mastery practice for ease and grace.

Divine Neutrality is a core Mastery skill for organic Ascension. This method activates Kryst Heart magnetics, Crystalline DNA expression, and consistent connection with the I AM Presence.

We keep up with the acceleration by opening new pathways to our Divine Presence. We cannot do this with the mind; direct heart connection must take over our choice-points from here forward.

Divine Neutrality frees us from dualistic constructs and the denser vibrational realms. By creating necessary energetic changes, we transform our consciousness to receive higher levels of LoveLight Intelligence.

This practice has changed my journey so much that I AM writing a book about it.

Key practices develop discernment of truth, deep inner peace, and clarity of thought, feeling, and action. Becoming more fluid helps us change faster. Less particle, more wave. In this world, but not of it.

PRESENCE: Divine Neutrality
Saturday, September 14th
Live + Replays

Join us for PRESENCE this Saturday for one of my favorite topics: Divine Neutrality.

This class explores how to:

– Apply the Divine Neutrality method with effective practices
– Activate Kryst Heart Center magnetics, DNA, and Lightbody upgrades
– Release distortions of judgement, fear, conflict, and duality
– Face challenges, choices, and relationships in the New Light
– Make Source-informed wise choices, faster

We will also prepare for the powerful Eclipse-Equinox-Eclipse window.

Registration open until we reach capacity. Grab your seat for the live event plus same-day replays HERE.

See you soon!

In Love, Light and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.