Preparing for June Energies, Solstice and Presence

Blessings Beloveds ~

May brought us brand new plasma and a core magnetic shift. Veils dissolved that will never return again; we don’t have the magentics, lower consciousness, or inorganic support to recreate them any longer.

We’ve had a moment to integrate, adjust, clear, and shed quite a few layers of emotional, monadic, egoic, and mental distortions. We are ready for the next plasma infusion and magnetic recalibration.

Remember Solaris has changed, so the ability to deliver more high-frequency information is present and palpable.

The ‘Earth-facing quiet’ phase of dimmed-down Solar activity is officially over. Please stay excited rather than fearful about these more intense crystalline-plasma-rich areas of the cosmic photon belt. Everything is being delivered right to our hearts, fields, and beloved Gaia for acceleration of our Ascension process.

June energies, Solar activity, veil-dissolving geostorms, and the Solstice are beyond anything we have experienced so far. I AM honored to deliver a potent exploration of the new Kryst / Crystalline DNA available to us, the transfiguration phase, and a visit to the Kryst temples during the June 8th Presence event. 
We’ll have a unified journey to these celestial realm spaces to experience new DNA Intelligence.

Saturday, June 8th
9AM – 11AM PDT
Live online + replays

Our June Masterclass explores:

  • Solstice prep for DNA upgrades
  • The 12 x 12 Kryst Structure
  • DNA-Stargate alignment
  • The Legend of the 24th chromosome
  • Correcting mRNA distortions
  • Use your DNA to create Heart-generated realities vs Mind-based (thought-generated) realities
  • Unified SuperRadiance in the Kryst Temples

Register for the June 8th Presence event HERE

Join the Presence Collective including all 2024 events, Community, and bonus materials. Apply your previous Presence purchases to the immersive → Use coupon code PRESENCE120 for $120 off the full Presence package. Details and enrollment HERE

Summer Sessions

Clarity and guidance for your journey: I AM running a special on Private Sessions in July and August. Details and my Summer booking calendar can be found HERE 

June Gratitude Sale: All Mastery courses are $144.

Here we glow: The acceleration of our Ascension experience is upon us. Comprehensive guidance, practices, and support truly make a difference. Register for any or many of the Mastery courses for $144 in June. That’s $300 off the regular price for a full year of access.

Use the coupon code: SOLSTICE144 at checkout. Choose your courses HERE

See you in the field for the SUNday Unity Meditations!

Sending everyone Infinite LoveLight and Heart opening during these beautiful changes to our fields. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,



About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.