The Embodiment Series: Part One

The Embodiment Series: Part One

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ With the activation of the crystalline *rainbow bridge* DNA codes over the last few months, we are primed to receive a stronger, more consistent experience of Multidimensional/Christed embodiment. This is the first in a series of articles focused on Embodiment. What embodiment is, how and why it occurs, who it […]

Closure and Creation: Launching the New

Closure and Creation: Launching the New

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ I AM filled with Heart-radiating gratitude as I celebrate my In- Carnate Anniversary (bEARTHday) this week. After a brief visit to Sedona to clear the wildfire effects from my lungs and psyche, I AM feeling my embodiment stronger than ever. The car crash injuries (finally) loosen their grip on the […]

Soul Questions for Ascension Preparation

Soul Questions for Ascension Preparation

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ The frequencies of this Gateway are very pure and refined. In our Mastery we pull these frequencies consciously into our fields and DNA. Light up the crystalline bridge codes – the Rainbow DNA codes we spoke of last week. We continue to receive and anchor the intense amount of plasma […]

Geomagentic Storm with the Gateway Opening – Here We Glow

Geomagentic Storm with the Gateway Opening – Here We Glow

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ You cannot fake a Gateway opening, the evidence always presents. SUNspots appeared *out of nowhere.* Then a strong geomagnetic storm on Saturday and SUNday linking the SUN and Gaia’s fields for a powerful plasma influx. A direct connection with 80 billion watts of power surging the grids through the aurora […]

SUNday Unity Meditations: Full Moon and Gate Booster

SUNday Unity Meditations: Full Moon and Gate Booster

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ A Divine opening of the Gateways this day, making for a powerful and unique Full Moon that feels wonderful. Solaris is responding as we align for the August 29 trigger. Many have been asking about adding new times to our meditations to accommodate different time zone schedules. This is lovely, […]

Crystalline Codons: Completing the Bridge

Crystalline Codons: Completing the Bridge

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ There is a beautiful inner calm permeating this phase of embodiment. Heightened lightbody activations and ever-increasing core frequencies of Gaia have us buzzing, leveling up and opening our hearts wide. Even with the environmental shifts many are experiencing (wildfires, floods, volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.), we maintain this Divine Light of […]

Deep Integration Phase: Honoring the New while creating the Next

Deep Integration Phase: Honoring the New while creating the Next

Blessings Beloveds ~ So much deep integration of the eclipse season happening right now, and so many new creations coming into view. We walk a delicate balance for the rest of the month. We are eager to step fully into this new energy, knowing that integration, patience and honoring our hearts is key to aligning […]

Final Eclipse and Unity in the Intensity

Final Eclipse and Unity in the Intensity

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ There is Unity in the intensity of this passage. The energies, and our Higher levels, are pushing for deep personal shifts to accommodate our true heart’s path and Ascension. If you allow it, choosing Unity and Love as your Primary focus and Primary timeline choice, the Source codes can activate, […]

Solaris Alignment: Restoring the Organic Ascension

Solaris Alignment: Restoring the Organic Ascension

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ This sequence of events which migrates realities to the higher timelines, the New Earth experience, continues to unfold with increasing intensity. As the Divine forces hit the cosmic accelerator, we release, release, and release all of the disharmony connected to the old Self and lower timelines. A grand neutralization of […]