Forgiveness, Clemency and Divine Neutrality

Forgiveness, Clemency and Divine Neutrality

Blessings Beloveds ~ Much of what we do as Wayshowers and Starseeds is preparation for collective experiences. We anticipate the collective reaction to revelations, incoming energies, consciousness shifts, or Ascension itself. We create balance by doing the good work as the light levels intensify, allowing the dismantling to accelerate. Keep in heart that we are […]

May Energies and New Stargate Flows

May Energies and New Stargate Flows

Blessings Beloveds ~ Happy Full Moon, Wesak, Galactic Gateway, and Divine Mother’s Day to all! A brief update since so many of us have been working with the new stargates intensely this week. May brings Diamond-Solar focus, within and without.  Solar activity returns this month and an exciting new phase for Stargate-keepers and Gridworkers begins. […]

Video: Beyond the Ordinary Show: April 2020 Replay

Video: Beyond the Ordinary Show: April 2020 Replay

Blessings Beloveds ~ I had a heartfelt live conversation with John Burgos on April 28. We dove into this transformational phase of our Ascension, including: Deep self-evaluation questions for checking in on how you feel, current circumstances and how to process this new light Dealing with dismantling, revelation and Embodiment New sensations in the physical, […]

Witnessing our Progress in the New Light

Witnessing our Progress in the New Light

Blessings Beloveds ~ The very different quality of light since last week is aimed at shifting consciousness and dimensional awareness; amplifying zero point dynamics. It assists the photonic higher positive order: Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Will. This means all of our thoughts, emotions and actions are amplified – across the board, positive or negative. […]

Quantum Shift Across All Realms in Progress

Blessings Beloveds ~ A powerful phase of Gateway activity is in progress. I intended a much lengthier article, however my attention is needed with Gaia and influx this weekend. Hopefully I can write on Monday. The predicted Consciousness-shifting, Dimensional-shifting phase is upon us. Embodiers, use these frequencies supporting your Ascension in this Now. GRATITUDE to […]

Crystalline DNA Decrees Ebook

Crystalline DNA Decrees Ebook

Blessings Beloveds ~ This FREE ebook is a collection of DNA Decrees created for the Crystalline DNA Mastery online course. I AM sharing these to assist everyone through this highly activating Sacred passage. DNA activation is a complex process involving many phases, which are explored in depth in the DNA Mastery course. Decrees are a […]

Transforming Magnetics, Freedom and Resurrection Codes

Transforming Magnetics, Freedom and Resurrection Codes

Blessings Beloveds ~ Note: I have been in a Divinely altered state since the gate opening on April 3 at Mono Lake. I arrived at my Sedona spot on Saturday, however there is no internet here this week. Divine timing indeed! I have friends in Sedona, so I AM able to upload posts, send the […]

Global Wave of New Light Begins this Weekend

Global Wave of New Light Begins this Weekend

Blessings Beloveds ~ The external global circumstances are purposeful and predicted. In the moment, while it is unfolding, we migrate willing, activated HUman hearts to the higher timelines. If you need to hear it again: this is a Sacred passage of Global transformation. There is no need to make this a rehearsal for a later […]

Rapid Reality Shifts and the Equinox Gateway

Rapid Reality Shifts and the Equinox Gateway

Blessings Beloveds ~ Our predicted amplification is producing some surreal effects in the Ascending collective. As always, we embrace these shifts, knowing we are the pathcutters for the renewed Divine Template of Freedom. ⁠ ⁠ I woke up yesterday infused with the new light energies and a brand new reality. Everything felt completely different – […]

Equinox Prep: Revelation, Sound and Protection

Equinox Prep: Revelation, Sound and Protection

Blessings Beloveds ~ Gaia has shared that she would reveal the new realms this year, with our ability to focus on the higher expression and learn to be Divine Creator beings again. The Golden Race DNA codes which have been dormant since post-Atlantis are getting activated in Embodiers. Our Higher levels repeat this message for […]