Ascension Guide and Wayshower Sandra Walter is available to speak at your next conference or event.
Sandra delivers high-vibe, empowering keynote addresses and breakout sessions on the Ascension process, first contact experiences, and multidimensional DNA.
Sandra Walter is a Wayshower, Ascension Guide and Gatekeeper in service to the Shift in Consciousness.
As a clear, open conduit since 1999, Sandra assists the awakened through writings, videos, classes, events and creations focused on Ascension. She inspires the exploration and evolution of HUman consciousness, bridging the multidimensional worlds to create peace, self-realization and a deep understanding of the Ascension process.
As a Master Gatekeeper, Sandra receives regular updates from a diverse, benevolent collective of Higher Dimensional Beings in service to the Ascension. This includes Gateway passages for energetic shifts, strong influxes of Light, Solar activity, timeline divisions and related cosmic events. Sandra has been in service for 20 years as a conduit for this level of Light Intelligence and Ascension Guidance.
Sandra teaches as a pure conduit to empower, inspire and accelerate the Ascension of HUmanity. She is a published author, certified Life Coach, artist and Energy Healer.