Free Downloads to Support Your Journey

Free downloads to support your organic Ascension:

Lyran Heart: Activation and Meditation

A layered harmonic and Light Language experience from the Lyrans, channeled by Sandra Walter. This activation produces an opening of the heart center to the new magnetics, allowing the natural stargate abilities of your heart to expand. This allows your heart to receive the refined frequencies of Source LoveLight Intelligence and Mother Plasma flowing into Gaia in this Now.

As with any Light Language or harmonic journey, let go of the mind-level. Connect with the purity of your own heart, and relax to receive what is available for your unique path.


Download the Lyran Heart MP3
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Mastery Evaluation: Soul Questions for the Path

These Mastery prompts from the Mastery Intensive course are an excellent tool to have on hand. In our organic process, we self-evaluate our intentions, goals, experiences, and what needs to be refined in our journey. Use these prompts regularly to stay in alignment with your Soul’s highest trajectory.


Download the Mastery Evaluation PDF
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Mac – Control+click to Save Link As


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.