Emergence of the Divine HUman: New Podcast

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

The effects of the Equinox Gateway passage are anchoring into the collective consciousness. The Cosmic Mother/Divine Feminine energies bring us fully into the experience of consistent NOW dynamics; the absolute Presence of the Multidimensional Self.

While the newness and beauty of this state of BEingness is difficult to convey, the key quality is it’s unshakeable nature. This consistent Zero-Point awareness demonstrates the new phase of our embodiment. Many Wayshowers are experiencing this merge of past, present, future and multidimensional aspects of Self in synchronous time. A true taste of consistent 5D consciousness at last.

Embodiment of the Divine Multidimensional Self has been the goal of the Wayshowers, in order to anchor this state into the collective, the grids, and beloved Gaia. This has been a message for years: Embodiment first, then a profound acceleration of Ascension can unfold. The continual amplification with every Gateway this year is palpable for many. Strong Cosmic factors are assisting us along this path, however the shifts to Christed/Unity consciousness are a Divine HUman choice.

Remember we are here to demonstrate what is possible with Ascension, as well as transform realities. Divine HUman DNA, the miraculous crystalline DNA, is a powerful conduit for Pure Source consciousness. When we pair it with the availability of Primary Christed timelines, which don’t feel like timelines in this state, we open brand new Gateways within the cosmos for brilliant unfoldments to occur.

Emergence of the Divine HUman: Podcast with Giselle Koy

I depart Sedona this day, so I will write more about these new experiences when I return to Mount Shasta next week. Kindwhile, the Presence is described – and perhaps felt – through a podcast recorded this week with a beautiful Sedona siSTAR.

Giselle is the creator of the Conscious Media Festival, an event I had the pleasure of presenting at last year. She is also a dear Soul siSTAR who attended the Sedona gathering and New Moon ceremony. We share experiences from the events, the new embodiment level, and what is unfolding with Ascension.

Video of the podcast HERE

Unity Meditations this SUNday

Infinite LoveLight to all who are embracing this next level of Ascension. We continue to infuse the Unity Meditations with the highest level activations, healings and amplification possible. Intentions for peace, balance (Pacific Rim focus this week) and the experience of embodiment for all willing hearts will be surged through the field and New Earth grids.

Join us SUNday, October 1 at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm PT to connect in Divine Service to the Ascension. Details on the Global Unity Meditation page. Thank you to all open hearts who share these meditations with groups, friends and loved ones. Together we hold this ONEness experience for all.

In Love, Light and Service,

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About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.