Cosmic Trigger and SUNday Meditations

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Gratitude for our deep connection during this Sacred passage of our Ascension. Our complete devotion and focus is amplified right now, and cosmic events are aligning to deliver heightened states of our personal and collective reality choices.

We are the Creators of this Ascension, and we are about to palpably merge consciousness with our Higher Selves, Christed Selves, and Multidimensional Pure Source aspects. Surrender, pray, meditate, be still and allow the experience. The Light will honor your intentions.

Saturday December 23: Cosmic Trigger
The culmination point of years of preparation is upon us. Can you feel it? Excitement, wonder, and the beautiful mystical sensation we get with Galactic Center alignment. Don’t avoid or downplay this passage; it is a potent cosmic trigger (shift point) for the Division of Worlds and collective reality shifts to New Earth dynamics. Keep your heart focused on Divine Love and highest outcomes for all concerned.

Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Wayshowers, and Lightworkers; we unify with the Solar beingness (the SUN) to call forth the pure living Light of the Logos. Connect with the SUN and Gaia’s New Earth creation, focusing on opening the crystalline pathways to the New Earth experience. Feel free to connect with me at 1pmPT.

SUNday December 24 Global Meditations
As the cosmic energies intensify, we require stability in the heart, mind and energy fields. Join thousands of Lightworkers in dedicated service to the collective on SUNday for our Global Unity Meditations. We hold this space for all willing hearts to align with Peace, Divine Love and Ascension. Details here.

Sandra is okay …
News spreads quickly through our community, so I will clarify what occurred with me last weekend. I was in a dramatic car crash on Saturday the 16th and miraculously walked away with minimal injuries. It was a strong Phantom Death experience.

As the crash began (three strong impacts, one with an 18-wheeler truck), I immediately felt the timeline/transition point of leaving the body and asked, *just don’t make it too painful.* White-gold light came into my vision and I was shocked when all was over and my body was still in tact. My car, the trusty sidekick Mitchell who was my home-between-homes and Gateway-traveling partner, was totaled. No one else was involved or injured.

Divine Protection intervened, and I AM grateful for it. My consciousness has shifted again, the body is slowly recovering, my focus remains on this powerful Gateway, and manifesting a new car vehicle can be addressed later.  I need a lot of rest to heal properly; it feels like my etheric work is stepping up to compensate. Multiple synchronicities with this event and its metaphoric significance have presented. More on that later.

Kindwhile, thank you for your prayers, healing energies, and support during this passage.

Read the full article about what is about to unfold with our Seven Sacred weeks  HERE

A blessed and beautiful Christ-mass and holiday season to all!

In Love, Light and Service,

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About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.