After the opening of the Aion portal last Saturday, this is one HIGH VIBE week. Intense energetics are in play to create this major acceleration of the Shift. Personally, I AM still integrating the profound Heart activation from last weekend, and meditating as often as possible in the stillness.
This gateway is wide open, and getting wider, so if you have ringing ears, movement in the heart center, blissful states of grace and the sensation of *this is it* – you are not alone. Distinct thinning of the veils is in progress, so be sure to communicate with all of those lovely beings, lights and orbs that are visible 24/7 now. I will share more on new developments very soon.
Worldwide focus this week
Assist in bringing in the new light ~ receive it with an open heart, release what no longer serves, and send love, harmony, balance and peace through the collective and grid systems. Gatekeepers and those in service, receive and anchor through November 29.
The Ascension Course updates are complete
– Every module now includes a Process Check to assist with understanding and integration.
– New meditations have been added.
– All videos were reformatted and edited for concise content. All Course material has been removed from youtube.
– Monthly calls with Sandra will begin in December to provide Q&A and additional guidance for those in the Course.
– Current Course participants, you will receive a separate email with further details.
Reminder: Anyone can sign up for the Ascension Course for $222 (that’s a $111 discount) through Saturday, November 30. Simply select that option when registering. Visit the Ascension eCourse page for details.
ISON watchers
Suspicious Observers is hosting a live Google hangout today to watch ISON make its perihelion today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3nY_4s-GKE or check out www.spaceweather.com for images and updates.
Happy Gratitude-Giving Day
I AM deeply grateful to be here, now, assisting the Shift in Consciousness with so many beautiful divine HUmans. Blessings to all of us during this incredible journey!
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