Blessings Beloveds ~ There are a myriad of reactions, upgrades, changes, and experiences that come with powerful plasma influxes and exposure to cosmic rays like we had last weekend. Sustained, multi-day KP 8 + geomagnetic storms are a gift: the magnetic field opens up, and consciousness-shifting plasma flows in. We had four days of intense […]
Category Archives: Articles & Updates
Geostorms Ahead: Use the Open Field and Plasma
Blessings Beloveds ~ This week had many days of trance-like timeline jumps, dissolving/ expansion out of Self, and a deep sense of peace as realm division accelerated. Zero-point moments are more frequent and multidimensional; implosion, departure, expansion, and new creation at once. New Heart magnetics amplify conduits of the new light and plasma, as personal […]
Vega Changes and the New Light
Blessings Beloveds ~ This Soul-freeing energy shift is intense, profound, and sometimes overwhelming. I AM grateful that it feels so NEW, and opens us to yet another expansion of the Infinite Heart. Many have reported anxiety, heart and field expansion, knock-out sleep, tired-and-wired, blank-stare integration, head pressure, less gravity, palpable waves of plasma, clarity of […]
Video: Presence: Plasma Physics & Mother Plasma
Blessings Beloveds ~ An excerpt from the March Presence event is now on YouTube! We explore the emerging connections between plasma physics and higher realm intel on Cosmic Mother Plasma, Light influxes, and magnetics. This Masterclass focused on Cosmic Mother Plasma, how to interact with plasma, and how it supports our Ascension and the new […]
Celebrating Eight Years of SUNday Unity Meditations
Blessings Beloveds ~ I AM in Infinite Gratitude as we celebrate EIGHT YEARS years of global SUNday Unity Meditations this week! This simple practice of weekly synchronized meditations has provided some powerful lessons for service and Unity Consciousness itself. If you are new to this: We meditate together during three 30-minute sessions every SUNday at […]
Wave Sensations as the Energy Shift Approaches
Blessings Beloveds ~ I AM still integrating the profound energies from the Eclipse. It was beautiful to witness the unity, peaceful gatherings, and healing energies of this cosmic event. Gratitude to all who participated in holding the field with ease and grace; it was a calm and lovely event here in the USA. There is […]
Waves of Plasma Liberation and Easter SUNday Meditations
Blessings Beloveds ~ I AM enjoying last moments with the mountain before traveling back to Sedona this weekend. Eclipse energies amplify this ongoing timeline/reality release. Narratives and stories collapse. We are all changing so quickly; many of us cannot even feel past versions of self anymore. I stand on Mount Shasta and feel a very […]
Eclipse Season is Here: Monday release of old creations
Blessings Beloveds ~ One complete, three more energy shifts to go. After a deep core shift within Gaia during Equinox, we now move into the first eclipse next Monday. The energy shift in mid-April is a direct result of the cosmic events, magnetic shifts, plasma influxes, and consciousness-raising activities of the next few weeks. This […]
Open to the Equinox-Eclipse Transformation
Blessings Beloveds ~ Gratitude to all of the beautiful Souls who learned how to interact with the many types of plasma involved in our Ascension during our PRESENCE event last weekend. It was a true Ascension Masterclass, explaining in detail what plasma is, the different types, and how it affects our Ascension. Many of us […]
Plasma, Equinox, Eclipses: March Presence Masterclass
Blessings Beloveds ~ Have you felt the increase in dissolving sensations affecting the mind, emotions, ego, body, time dynamics, and consciousness? We are experiencing the intensity of Mother Plasma, a powerful cosmic force flowing into these realms – and transforming our realities. The first four months of 2024 usher in a brand new energy which […]