SUNday Unity Meditations: Hearts in Service

SUNday Unity Meditations: Hearts in Service

SUNday Unity Meditations We have thousands participating in our eight-year practice of co-creating peace and unity as One. The field is strong; join us offline, in nature when possible, to feel our unified LoveLight Intelligence.⁠ We have two new groups adding their light during the 11AM meditations right now: ⁠ ⁠ – Pam Gregory (Astrologer […]

How to Feel and Read the Field: Acceleration

How to Feel and Read the Field: Acceleration

Blessings Beloveds ~ Take a moment to tap into the Unity/Kryst/Crystalline field in this Now. Not the grids or gateways; feel the FIELD itself. Quiet the mind, into the heart. Rise above the fray of external busy-ness and collective projections. Feel the magnetics which hold denser realities in place. Can you feel them shaking, vibrating, […]

Qualify the Light: Purpose and Practice

Qualify the Light: Purpose and Practice

Qualify the Light: Definition, Purpose, and Practice Light qualification is an effective Mastery practice for Ascension. The term Qualify the Light or Qualified Light refers to the conscious, positive use of LoveLight Intelligence.⁠
⁠ During the Ascension process, we learn to be responsible creators of positive, heart-generated realities. ⁠
In our transformation to Kryst/Crystalline/Unity Consciousness, we become […]

Solstice and the Kryst Codes

Solstice and the Kryst Codes

Blessings Beloveds ~ Solstice brings us a powerful alignment of the organic Ascension stargates and Mother Plasma flows. This June passage delivers Kryst Code activation through the stargates, truly a unique gift for all Ascending hearts. You may be feeling the opening of magnetic fields within Solaris and Gaia already, connecting us with the Grand […]

PRESENCE: Solstice Shift, Kryst DNA and New Creation

PRESENCE: Solstice Shift, Kryst DNA and New Creation

Blessings Beloveds ~ June energies and a strong Solstice gateway usher in a unique harmonic, which allows our Crystalline DNA to express in a brand new way. In brief, pure Kryst codes will be flowing in the fields, and we are invited to use them to change our collective experience. We apply everything we have […]

Preparing for June Energies, Solstice and Presence

Preparing for June Energies, Solstice and Presence

Blessings Beloveds ~ May brought us brand new plasma and a core magnetic shift. Veils dissolved that will never return again; we don’t have the magentics, lower consciousness, or inorganic support to recreate them any longer. We’ve had a moment to integrate, adjust, clear, and shed quite a few layers of emotional, monadic, egoic, and […]

LightLetter: Plasma and Geostorm Integration

LightLetter: Plasma and Geostorm Integration

LightLetter May 16, 2024 Blessings Beloveds ~ There are a myriad of reactions, upgrades, changes, and experiences that come with powerful plasma influxes and exposure to cosmic rays like we had last weekend. Sustained, multi-day KP 8 + geomagnetic storms are a gift: the magnetic field opens up, and consciousness-shifting plasma flows in. We had […]

Geomagnetic Storm and New Plasma Effects

Geomagnetic Storm and New Plasma Effects

Blessings Beloveds ~ There are a myriad of reactions, upgrades, changes, and experiences that come with powerful plasma influxes and exposure to cosmic rays like we had last weekend. Sustained, multi-day KP 8 + geomagnetic storms are a gift: the magnetic field opens up, and consciousness-shifting plasma flows in. We had four days of intense […]

Geostorms Ahead: Use the Open Field and Plasma

Geostorms Ahead: Use the Open Field and Plasma

Blessings Beloveds ~ This week had many days of trance-like timeline jumps, dissolving/ expansion out of Self, and a deep sense of peace as realm division accelerated. Zero-point moments are more frequent and multidimensional; implosion, departure, expansion, and new creation at once. New Heart magnetics amplify conduits of the new light and plasma, as personal […]

Vega Changes and the New Light

Vega Changes and the New Light

Blessings Beloveds ~ This Soul-freeing energy shift is intense, profound, and sometimes overwhelming. I AM grateful that it feels so NEW, and opens us to yet another expansion of the Infinite Heart. Many have reported anxiety, heart and field expansion, knock-out sleep, tired-and-wired, blank-stare integration, head pressure, less gravity, palpable waves of plasma, clarity of […]