The Pull of the Eclipse Gateway

The Pull of the Eclipse Gateway

Blessings Beloveds ~ Have you noticed the pull of the Eclipse Gateway? We are moving into a unique bandwidth of frequencies which peak May 13-19. The partial Solar eclipse is this Saturday, April 30. Here we glow. This passage is aimed at rapid expansion into a new experience in form. For many, a door will […]

Video: Keeping up with the Realm Shift

Video: Keeping up with the Realm Shift

Blessings Beloveds ~ We had a beautiful YouTube Live last weekend. Here is the replay with guidance for this intense passage, and preparation for the Eclipses. Note: We have seats available for the Sedona gathering May 14-15. The Crystalline Convergence ends with the Lunar Eclipse, anticipated to be very transformational and energetically strong. If you […]

Unity for the Eclipse Passage: Three Offerings

Unity for the Eclipse Passage: Three Offerings

Blessings Beloveds ~ These rising energies are beautiful, and sometimes overwhelming.Radical expansion at all levels, paired with deep release. Density is falling away, fading from our existence here.This is a unique realm shift for Gaia, and I weep with gratitude that I AM here to witness it.Thought pattern shifts, emotional releases, lightbody expansion, spaciousness in […]

Lessons from Six Years of Global Unity Meditations

Lessons from Six Years of Global Unity Meditations

We celebrate six years of global SUNday Unity Meditations this weekend. This simple practice of weekly synchronized meditations has provided some powerful lessons for service and Unity Consciousness itself. If you are new to this: We meditate together during three 30-minute sessions every SUNday at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM Pacific Time. Anyone may participate, in […]

Crystalline Convergence May 14-15 in Sedona

Crystalline Convergence May 14-15 in Sedona

Our gathering of Ascending Hearts is coming up quickly!  Join me at the Crystalline Convergence on May 14-15 in Sedona. Our annual event takes place on sacred land during a powerful eclipse weekend. We rejuvenate as One, expand our skills and services, and co-create highest trajectories for all. Two days of Advanced-level activities: – Unique […]

Gaia is Shifting: Preparing for the April 13-19 Influx

Gaia is Shifting: Preparing for the April 13-19 Influx

Blessings Beloveds ~ This is a level of expansion your heart has never felt, your mind has never considered, and your body has never experienced. I feel the Kryst Realms are spot on with this message. Personally, I AM feeling a brand new level of consciousness and heart center expansion. Brand new perspective and vision, […]

Three Skills to Implement Now: Forgiveness, Clemency and Divine Neutrality

Three Skills to Implement Now: Forgiveness, Clemency and Divine Neutrality

Blessings Beloveds ~ A message from last weekend’s transmutation Gatework on the mountain: This is a level of expansion your heart has never felt, your mind has never considered, and your body has never experienced. Personally, I AM feeling this strong shift in consciousness and heart center expansion. Brand new perspective and vision, partnered with […]

Equinox Events and Heart Expansion

Equinox Events and Heart Expansion

Blessings Beloveds ~ I know you are feeling the subtle, and not-so-subtle, energetic shift building throughout this week. Now we prepare for a strong, unified Equinox Weekend. The geomagnetic event which ushered in this Gateway passage (March 13-20) last SUNday was one of the strongest yet. Flares continue; it’s a powerful Now. I know many […]

Here Comes the Realm Shift: Equinox, Redwoods and More

Here Comes the Realm Shift: Equinox, Redwoods and More

Blessings Beloveds ~ A departure and arrival at once.⁠ ⁠ Reports of surreal, blissful, new light levels this week…wild expansion paired with sadness. The loss of old constructs that will never return, the collective anxieties running in the field, and Source frequencies overriding how we used to create our realities.⁠ ⁠ Something new and unknown […]

Maintaining Equanimity During the Revelation Phase

Maintaining Equanimity During the Revelation Phase

Blessings Beloveds ~ Acceleration of the Revelation phase brings subtle, and not-so-subtle, agendas to the surface. Remember the sleight-of-hand aspect to this phase. All is not as it seems. Discernment. Wisdom. Perspective. Note our collective progress; those standing for the whole rather than choosing sides out of fear (or obedience). The collective heart is tested […]