Ascension Path video: Truth and Discernment

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

Upon completion of the two-year Equinox-Eclipse project, many more HUmans on the path are now experiencing Merge Sequences; the lifting, blissful, liquid lovelight, off-we-go-to-5D sensations of Ascension column activation (merging with the Higher Self). Even though the High-vibe direction is to focus on embodiment as this accelerates, we reach out to those who may feel lost as the collective experiences over-the-top Ascension states.

I scanned some of the class videos and felt this particular selection would be helpful to the folks who may be feeling off-track or distracted by the increase in light, which can be very stimulating to the lower levels (mind, ego, emotions).

Now is the time to realize the glass was never half-empty, it has always been full.  It is a perfect moment for all to exercise discernment and neutrality as we move into the acceleration; hopefully this will assist.

Please note: This is a first-time, one-time YouTube share from the Ascension Path class videos. It is not my intention to offend anyone who has paid to participate in the class by sharing this brief clip here. I deeply honor your support of my work and investment in your journey. 

In Love, Light and Service,

For hours and hours of free guidance, intel and insights on Ascension, our Galactic journey, and life in Service, watch the videos and conversations on my YouTube channel. The live videos are especially fun, now that so much is being revealed through more popular or scientific sources. There are smiles on Wayshower faces everywhere as these things come to Light in the collective. Remember beloveds; it doesn’t matter if folks need to hear it from someone else, or the military, or a scientist, or someone in public office in order to receive it. The goal is Global Ascension, Peace and Unity.


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide in service to Source and the Shift in Consciousness. As a Wayshower and author, Sandra provides transformational online courses, articles, books, presentations and creations focused on Ascension.

1 comments on “Ascension Path video: Truth and Discernment

  1. Pingback: Ascension Path video: Neutrality and Discernment | Sandra Walter – Creative Evolution | dreamweaver333

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