An excerpt from The Ascension eCourse, Module One: Why we’re waking up now, and our partnership with Gaia.
Gifted with love for the folks awakening at this time – good morning, beloveds, it’s a brand new world! For a comprehensive program on how to free yourself from the illusion and open up to the New, take the Ascension eCourse.
I really enjoyed your epcert on module 1. I can tell you know and understand what it is your talking about. I would love to enjoy and learn more. My dillema is I have been at this ascension thing for 27yrs. Some of this I already know and then some. And some is new for me. can we choose what modules we want to purchase at a smaller cost?
Sincerely speaking I believe I am caught by the heel on only a couple things not aligned, to becoming 5th dimensional. Self Mastery is exhausting!
Blessings Brenda,
Anyone can pay-as-you-go with the eCourse, just write me. I AM interested in providing access to whomever truly wants to explore this material. I also honor the folks who have invested in their journey and supported my work by paying full price – some gave even more after they got into the course!
Setting up the modules as separate purchases takes days of work. Quite frankly, I don’t want to do it. Write me through the contact page and we’ll get you in!
In love, light and service,
Pingback: Sandra Walter – Why We’re Walking Up And Our Partnership With Gaia: Module 1 Excerpt – 14 February 2013 | Lucas 2012 Infos