Blessings Beloveds ~
There are many challenges to beliefs during the acceleration. What we believe about others, what we believe about God, and what we believe about ourselves.
As revelations present, we shift from blame to forgiveness. As polarity takes its last breath, we use external revelations or stories as opportunities for compassion, forgiveness, and transmutation. Go deep with this; even the Galactic drama of the past is dissolving/resolving in these realms.
The frequency of blame is a distraction, and creates division. Remember early in your healing journey when blame felt like an easy, viable option? Or celebrating another’s demise felt real and gratifying? Many newly awakened hearts are experiencing this as revelation speeds up.
Blame is being blasted into the collective consciousness, and it affects unawakened hearts. While it feels old, lower-realm, and synthetic to ascending hearts, some are tempted to engage with it ‘one more time.’
Be aware of your creations, beloveds. Especially as the realms divide, amplify, and give you exactly what your energy produces. The revelation phase is brief in accelerated timelines; be aware of its influence on your journey. We are learning to be responsible, unified creators and resolve issues for the benefit of all.
As always, use the ‘SO IT IS’ practice; say SO IT IS after thoughts, feelings, words, or choices to become aware of the reality your are aligning with, and creating. For example, if you say, think or feel, ‘I cannot forgive (them, myself, the past, etc.)’, then SO IT IS – for you.
As coherence builds in the field, realms divide by vibration. This is why choice points are so important to Souls who desire the Ascension experience.
Since an ascending Heart has stronger influence on collective outcomes, take a breath and feel the higher perspective. Notice when beliefs or blame arises about the self, others, groups, or revelations. When blame arises, or a sense of them vs us, enter the purity of Source LoveLight within your Heart. Connect with the Kryst Self and I AM Presence: What is the best way to deal with the conflict, blame, or emotion you feel? How can you shift to Divine Neutrality and forgiveness – on behalf of the organic Ascension – and begin creating solutions?
Deep gratitude to those using this revelation passage to be a pure conduit of LoveLight, peace, and unity. Thank you for transmuting blame to forgiveness and compassion, and showing the way.
Sending Infinite LoveLight from the Equinox Stargates for ease, grace, and peace. See you in the field ~ Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,