Blessings Beloveds ~
The Eclipse-Equinox-Eclipse passage is upon us, with a powerful combination of key choice-points and intense plasma intelligence aimed at transformation of consciousness.
Eclipse-Equinox-Eclipse Gateway
Thursday March 13: Total Lunar Eclipse at 11:58PM PDT
Thursday March 20: Equinox at 2:01AM PDT
Saturday March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse at 3:47AM PDT
This sixteen-day passage goes quickly, and prepares us for the first major energy shift in April/May.
This choice-point is vital for our process, and many will begin to feel the phase-lock with personal and collective Ascension trajectories. A perfect passage to evaluate, release, and receive pure Source-informed truth for your path.
The unique combination of completion, acceleration, and revelation energies this year are quite potent. Embrace the unknown about the Self, and open to an experience beyond prior limitations.
Keep in Heart that everything we do affects the whole, in stronger ways as the frequencies, plasma, and light levels rise.
Note for clarity: This is not about feeling symptoms of the Ascension energies, this is about permanent change brought about by a consciously created Ascension process.
Create the conditions to unveil a new experience:
– Focus on refinement of your process. Quiet the mind to hear the Heart’s truth. Align with Zero Point stillness often.
– Calm the nervous system to receive the New Mother Plasma intelligence.
– Limit external distractions. Rest without screens or external input for deep integration.
– Meditate deeply. Let the brain shift to plasma brainwave coherence.
– Be in nature, and connect with Gaia for deep releases of old Self, distorted creations. Forgiveness. Gratitude. Grace.
– Coherence and Heart synchronization; many will experience deep magnetic shifts in the Heart. Keep the Crystalline stargate of the Heart open and aligned with Source-informed LoveLight intelligence.
– Release any remaining addiction to separation. Set judgement, negativity, or creation of discord aside. If this is challenging for you; practice inner peace of thought, word, feeling, and action during this passage.
– Hold the Kryst/Unity/Crystalline Field. Skilled Stargate and Gridkeepers, we are in focused service during this passage. Support vibrational integrity as the field amplifies with plasma influxes.
Unity Consciousness is a radically different state of beingness. We use these realm-choice passages to refine and uplevel our journey with as much ease and grace as possible.
Sending everyone Infinite LoveLight for a beautiful Eclipse-Equinox Gateway. See you in the field ~ Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,