Blessings Beloveds ~
Many have noticed how energized Gaia’s fields have become. Gaia’s Crystalline-Solar plasma core continues to expand and refine with these consistent influxes of Cosmic Light.
Last week the science community announced an observation that supports this new energy present in the field. Cosmic neutrinos are penetrating the planet; the strongest they have seen.
In February 2023, astrophysicists observed the most energetically charged neutrino on record. A paper was released last week on this unique cosmic neutrino, which held an energetic charge way beyond previous particles.
When I saw this article circulating, the Arcturians pointed out the connection between highly charged neutrinos and Source Particles, which we explored last year in PRESENCE.
Neutrino definition: Neutrinos are electrically neutral particles, one million times lighter than an electron. Astrophysicists believe they are the most abundant particles that have mass in the Universe. They travel at close to the speed of light, and their velocity and charge is unaffected by magnetic fields or form.
According to the Higher Realms, our researchers don’t have enough monitoring devices to witness the massive influx of these highly-charged neutrinos. Kindwhile, it is lovely to witness one observation station documenting these unusual neutrinos. There is also a water/plasma connection in their data-collecting process; in order to record neutrino activity, the monitoring devices have to be submerged in deep water, at the bottom of the sea, to witness the neutrinos in action.
These super-charged neutrinos increase Light frequency and energetic charge in Gaia’s core and fields. This supports the activation and use of Source Particles, a vibrant step in our Ascension process.
Source Particles: The Original Purity
Source Particles are the foundational essence of creation, and contain the original impulse of Source. They are found in all organic life; people, kingdoms, elementals, planets, stars, and Universes. Everything at its origin point is created through Source Particles.
Source Particles precede form, and hold the original purity of Source LoveLight Intelligence. They are birthed from the Zero Point itself. All of organic creation is unified with this Divine original imprint.
Source Particles are dynamic. They express the action of Love and creation, in both particle and wave forms. Atoms, neutrinos, subatomic particles, etc. are the result of a higher level of creation.
Infinite LoveLight permeates all that is. Source Particles are directed by this LoveLight force to express creation. Love initiates all creation; Source Particles express it.
When pure undistorted Love is present, there is a free exchange of Source Particles. In the presence of pure LoveLight Intelligence, fresh streams of Source Particles may enter form and correct distortions of the Original Purity.
Unity and coherence allows for Source Particles to flow into the Kryst field and our bodies. This is very restorative during the shift. It also accelerates the Ascension.
The Neutrino-Source Particle Influence
Super-charged neutrinos pass through Gaia and all of her life, delivering more light energy from distant stars and galaxies. The more LoveLight radiance in the field, the easier it is to access Source Particles and Mother Plasma Intelligence.
The Lyrans noted: These neutrinos flow through Stargates, uninhibited by magnetics, and deliver the necessary energies needed to maintain elevated Light levels. Radiance provides a perfect environment for Source Particles to self-correct distortions. It may be challenging to witness Gaia’s radiance from our point of view, however we may easily witness this energetic brightening in Solaris.
The increase of fresh Source Particles in the Mother Plasma field is a delivery system for birthing new creations. Mother Plasma contains new harmonics, particles, and wave forms unaffected by the magnetics of local, denser torus fields which held old realities in place.
Solaris, our SUN, and the Solar system are bathed in this Mother Plasma field, full of unpredictable, highly charged, brand new Source Particles. This is informing and influencing Solaris to change at an accelerated rate, with another noticeable jump in June this year.
The same is happening in Gaia’s Crystalline-Plasma core, as she transforms to a more Solar beingness. Conduits of the Infinite Kryst/Unity Consciousness are also experiencing this Cosmic transformation, and the radically different consciousness it births right through us.
This amplification of super-charged neutrinos and cosmic energies, Mother Plasma, and Source Particles is providing direct interaction with the Original Purity. It elevates many into self-realization states this year; All is love, all is Source consciousness. This supports the next level of Krysthl Plasma Lightbody activation, and our unified creation abilities.
Take a moment to honor the presence of these pure creative forces. Initiate a fresh relationship with them. Open the stargate of your Infinite Kryst Heart, and receive.
In Love, Light, and Service,
Explore the next level of Lightbody and these new energies; Join us for PRESENCE Masterclasses and Community anytime this year.