Unity Meditation Wednesday – Join Us!

Unity Meditation Wednesday – Join Us!

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The energies have shifted yet again, growing more intense for many. There has been a consistent request by our Higher Teams to unify our consciousness – in an active, present way – to create stability as the incoming light grows increasing stronger. We are using the cosmic alignments to receive some […]

Quantum Conversations Replay

Quantum Conversations Replay

Blessings Beloveds, We had a beautiful discussion of the current phase of Ascension, the next four months, and the waves of light anticipated for 2017 on Quantum Conversations with Lauren Galey yesterday. The replay and four-month access to Ascension Path is available here: http://www.acoustichealth.com/HCs8sandra2.htm In Love, Light and Service, Sandra

Events with Sandra this week

Events with Sandra this week

          Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Please join me this week for our group events! Unity Meditations: Tap into the collective HUman Heart grid on Wednesday, June 8 at 8:11am PDT, 11:11 am PDT and 5:11pm PDT. These are very strong activations; we are revealing what our collective Christed Self is bringing […]

The New Self: Unity, Truth and the Ascension Timelines

The New Self: Unity, Truth and the Ascension Timelines

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The energetic shift of the June 4-6 Gateway is upon us. Gatekeepers, we are opening Wednesday, which should be powerful paired with our Wednesday Unity Meditations. This leads us into four months of new, new, new; the New HUman, the New Earth, the New Paradigm reveals itself more clearly than ever. […]

June Gateway: Owning Your Ascension

June Gateway: Owning Your Ascension

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Feel into this message; there is a lot presenting for the next four months as the May acceleration settles in. We are about to experience why May was so strong and transformative. That second preparatory wave of 2016 really pushed for the New Self to emerge. Denying it can crush the lower Self, […]

Perspective and Guidance for the Now

Perspective and Guidance for the Now

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, There is a portion of the Ascending collective who are about to have a very different experience related to the expansion of consciousness. You might feel it unfolding, you know it in your hearts; something new and different is taking place. As this year of revelation continues to expose, disclose and peel […]

Unity Meditations Each Wednesday: Explanation

Unity Meditations Each Wednesday: Explanation

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, The energies have shifted yet again, growing more intense for many. There has been a consistent request by our Higher Teams to unify our consciousness – in an active, present way – to create stability as the incoming light grows increasing stronger. In brief, we are using the cosmic alignments to […]

Wednesday Unity Meditations

Wednesday Unity Meditations

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Let us utilize our collective HUman Heart Grid for the acceleration of healing, clearing, empowerment, and our embodiment of Unity Consciousness. Please join the Light Tribe on Wednesdays as we unify as One Heart in Divine Love. Join from wherever you are, during these times if you are able. Three 30-minute windows: 8:11am PDT, […]

Emergence: Freedom, Creativity and Redesign of Self

Emergence: Freedom, Creativity and Redesign of Self

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, For those on the Mastery journey, the completion of cave time is at hand. It is divinely timed with the completion of the second wave of 2016, which has elevated the energies consistently for the past six weeks and flows through the first week of May. After enduring eclipses, the Equinox, […]

Collective Meditation Event: Wednesday and Thursday

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Let us utilize this wave, the Full Moon energies, the Cosmic Trigger of April 20- 21, and the HUman Heart Grid for our embodiment of the Christ Consciousness. Please join the Light Tribe on Wednesday and Thursday as we unify as One Heart in Divine Love. Join from wherever you are, during […]