The New Earth Now Experience: Online Retreat Replay

The New Earth Now Experience: Online Retreat Replay

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ The New Earth Now Experience has been presented live and online. It was done live in Austin, Texas at the Conscious Media Festival, twice in Sedona, Arizona at the Light Tribe Gathering and Cosmic Awakening Conference, and online as a Healing Retreat with Lauren Galey. It is different each time […]

Solar Gateway Influx: Coherence Effects

Solar Gateway Influx: Coherence Effects

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Deep gratitude to all who are holding focus during this Gateway by calling in and forth these highly refined frequencies. Integration requires much rest, calm, time in nature and meditation. Remember the message *Some of these energies can only be integrated in dream state.* The sleepiness is palpable, like a […]

New Earth Now: Experiencing the Creator State

New Earth Now: Experiencing the Creator State

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ All of us are being influenced by the inevitable Primary Christed Timelines. The veil-lifting effects exposes us to a new level of Unity consciousness, which we engage with by our free-will choice. Solar and Cosmic Gateways continue to bombard us with activations and purer levels of light. The surreal sensation […]

New Earth Gridworker Alliance: Intro for May

New Earth Gridworker Alliance: Intro for May

Blessings Beloveds ~ This is a Gate-and-Grid-focused offering. A brief excerpt from the May intro to our New Earth Gridworker Alliance Zoom conference. We had a beautiful exchange of intel, insights and experiences related to our sacred work. In Unifying, we synchronize and raise our service to the next level. Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Lightworkers and awakened […]

Primary Timelines: The Higher Trajectory of Now

Primary Timelines: The Higher Trajectory of Now

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Transformation is presenting for May, both behind-the-scenes and in our collective experience. It reflects the next-level skill sets revealed last year at this time. The deep experiences with the formless realms, the Cosmic Stargates, the remembering of ancient skills, the Galactic Council shifts … all of these now reveal the […]

Global Unity Meditations on Full Moon SUNday

Global Unity Meditations on Full Moon SUNday

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ I returned home to Mount Shasta last night. It feels like I have been gone for years! Once again, I walk in the door of my little place and have to re-aquaint myself with the surroundings. It feels as if I had not lived here before; all is new, strange, […]

Crossing the Crystalline Bridges: Part Three

Crossing the Crystalline Bridges: Part Three

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Lower reality structures dissolve as the higher realities of Christ/Unity/Crystalline consciousness are embodied. Right here, right now, the platforms of Old Earth realities are fading. The effect on the collective consciousness is palpable; 5D/7D/9D anchoring within Gaia and the High-Vibe Wayshowers creates global acceleration of Ascension. Time dynamics dissipate to […]

Strong New Moon, Solar Activity and Gateways Ahead

Strong New Moon, Solar Activity and Gateways Ahead

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Gatekeeping has revealed strong activations of the deep, ancient sites (pyramids, octahedrons, crystal beds and aquifers) during my travels in the crystalline corridor. April 17-19 is on the Gatekeeper radar, and Solaris has sprouted a new SUNspot which may deliver the activation codes we are seeing in the Cosmic Stargates. […]

This Saturday: Sedona Light Tribe Gathering with Sandra

This Saturday: Sedona Light Tribe Gathering with Sandra

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ I AM in Sedona for another High-Vibe gathering, presentation, code activation and New Earth Experience! Join us as we create a 5D Temple of Light, Collective & Personal Highest timelines, and activate our Universal DNA Source Codes on Saturday, April 14. This is a powerful time to join your Star […]

Crossing the Crystalline Bridges: Part Two

Crossing the Crystalline Bridges: Part Two

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ Our Easter cathedra, which seems so distant in this Now state, anchored the powerful Solar flare frequencies last weekend. Our first SUNday meditation was incredibly strong. Between the Divine Light encodements from SUNrise ceremony on the mountain and the surge of Source codes through the field, I wept through the […]