Initiation of the 2020 Gateway: Freedom and the New

Initiation of the 2020 Gateway: Freedom and the New

Blessing Beloveds ~ Friday, June 14, initiates the opening of the Solstice- Eclipse Gateways, and more importantly, the 2020 Timeline energies. In the last few months, we have had major collective shift points. Now we move into the higher collective timelines which have a major impact on our service, lifestreams and Ascension process. The Higher […]

Webinar Saturday, June 8: Shifting to the Embodiment Timelines

Blessings Beloveds ~ You can feel it. The collective timelines have shifted to accommodate Embodiment.
 This has a strong effect on our personal and collective realities as we merge with our Higher Selves, right through the body. It is a magical and surreal passage, let us be clear about what is unfolding. Join me on […]

Positive Head Podcast: DNA, Ascension and New Timelines

Blessings Beloved High Vibe Tribe ~ The podcast replay is now available on my youtube channel. Here we glow!   This significant passage deserves our attention, since we are creating pathways for millions through our Wayshowership and Lightwork. Downloadable audio: Listen on itunes HERE PositiveHead website version HERE We are truly at an anything-can-happen point; […]

MAJOR transition point & Updates

MAJOR transition point & Updates

Blessings Beloveds ~ Here we are, on the other side of yet another collective timeline shift. Gratitude to all Gatekeepers & Gridworkers who assisted with the May 15-25 timeline transitions. This was a MAJOR transition point for the organic timelines, Lemurian grid activation and preparation for the 2020 energies. Remember we are playing catch-up with […]

SUNday Unity Meditations – Free Download

SUNday Unity Meditations – Free Download

Blessings Beloveds ~ This strong week intensifies with a Wesak Full Moon weekend! So much closure, shifting, releasing and change … and all for good purpose. The sharp geomagnetic storm last Tuesday jolted the Lemurian/Inner Earth grids awake, our next step in unifying past, present and future grids for the full Crystalline grid structure. This […]

Incoming Waves: Embodiment and Grid Activations

Incoming Waves: Embodiment and Grid Activations

Blessings Beloveds ~ Our May 15 – 25 Gateway is upon us. Geomagnetic storms are intensifying and more incoming waves are anticipated during this passage. These are DNA-activating frequencies aimed at first Embodiers. They serve as a compliment to the activation of Inner Earth/Lemurian grid systems and the unlocking of Living Library codes currently being […]

Unpacking the Abundance Bag Video and Post-Event Updates

Unpacking the Abundance Bag Video and Post-Event Updates

Blessings Beloveds ~ Our May influx began with flares, geomagnetic storms and a brand new level of photonic light streaming through the Gateways. Powerful frequencies aimed at collective DNA activation. Let us be attentive to our Gateways & Gridwork this week as we enter the hot-zone stargate opening of May 15-25. Focus is on Embodiment, […]

Integrating after a High-Vibe Gathering

Integrating after a High-Vibe Gathering

Blessing Beloveds ~ We still have one more live event in Sedona, the Mastery DNA Summit on SUNday May 5. Join us in person or connect during the 11:11am PDT meditation when we will be doing a live collective DNA activation. SUNday’s event is a deep share on Crystalline DNA, the recent parallels with Dr. […]

Divine Mother’s Day: SUNday Meditations

Divine Mother’s Day: SUNday Meditations

Blessings Beloveds ~ Everything has shifted this week … again. Embodiment has hit a new level, and as we know from experience, this is just the beginning of walking in our Divine state. We are becoming the conduits of the New Earth realities, and the sensation of merging with the Higher Selves and Higher Realms […]

Essence of Self and the Convergence

Essence of Self and the Convergence

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~ A powerful, mystical and path-shifting Full Moon week to all. We unite with highest intent during this passage, utilizing the Spring ceremonial energies to open all willing hearts to the truth of the Divine within. Join us live at the events below, or in the unified field on SUNday for […]