Lemurian Antennas atop Mount Shasta
August 25th: The Shift into Pure Love
Will it be the Division of Worlds? Something miraculous is about to occur to those on the Ascension Path. We can all feel it; the moment-by-moment increase in energies, the vertigo of lovelight, the constant Shamanic dream of images, lessons, and final shedding of the veils for so many of us.
We had our time together – nearly 300,000 years for some – and now we get to that grand turning point in the Shift. Someone has to go first, someone has to show HUmanity what is possible. All of the signs, signals, sensations point to one thing; this is going to be BIG. Deeply transformational for some, pure transcendence for others. The *evidence* of Ascension is about to get KRYSTHL clear.
In my personal journey, every day – each moment – brings in more light, more clearing of what is not the true me, more revelations of who we truly are and what is occurring. It is profound beyond description. To list the day-by-day visions, encounters, skills presenting would be far too draining for me. I attempted a video, which took 6 hours to tape, edit, format and upload. Mount Shasta is not known for speedy internet access, especially when uploading in public places. 6 hours inside is more than I can bear at this moment, so apologies to anyone expecting a lot of intel right now.
The key is stillness, resolution, refinement and a focus on consciousness itself. Focus becomes one thought, then none. Then the magic happens. Allow the new light and delicious organic technology being utilized right now to assist and propel your process.
I have felt transcendence since mid June, and it amplifies every day, every night. I AM amazed that this passage is finally here, and I sense the division of worlds may be witnessed very soon. That’s not a cosmic soon, it is right now. For those seeing the 5s or 25 sequences, pay attention. You’re getting the prompt to drop your bags and run for the gate. Leave it all behind: the beliefs, fear, doubts, wavering, tasks … none of that matters now.
Be as present with the truth as you can. Be the lovelight: Resonate at its vibration and it will upgrade you straight into Solar Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Deal with everything moment by moment – the clearing, the final adjustments, the pre-agreements, the challenges – all of these last-minute tests are presenting to honor your free will. It is your choice if you want to make this transformation. You must do it for the proper reasons. The ego will fight, the mind will distract, the emotions will cripple if you are not ready to walk through this next gateway. Be focused on divine will, not the lower level will. Your engagement with the shadow of 3D prevents its dissolvement.
This is a pivotal point for authenticity. Be clear on what is you and what is an old program. Be clear on what is the truth and what is belief or false perception.
We, the awakened and ascending, are about to experience the miraculous. I love you all and bestow blessings for the highest experience you desire.
Pingback: Sandra Walter – August 25: A Miraculous Gateway Is Upon Us – 15 August 2013 | Lucas 2012 Infos
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