Mystic SiSTARs

A Light Tribe of Women anchoring 5D right here, right now. Our group explores bringing the 5D vibration and wisdom into the collective reality.

We uncover new ways of working with 5D energies, share our experiences and support each other in our integration of the new. The group will remain active as long as it is supported by the flow. Anything is possible with this co-creation!

Prerequisites for Joining

Please carefully consider the intention of this group. It is not meant to serve as a leader-follower dynamic, nor a platform for marketing your services.

We ask that members:
– be clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentient or clairvoyant
– have a Spiritual Maturity which honors the journeys of others
– have experience with 5D energies
– respect the confidentiality of all members and the call recordings
– be In-carnated as Female at this time
– Participate in this co-creation with the intent to serve the collective.

Register to join Mystic siSTARs
